1376 days left

Day: 4/100


Oh! Man! This sucks! My worst fear has come true. The weekend happened, and I slipped.

For a fraction of a second, I thought I should just reset—restart my journey with the next 100 days. But then, I realized that these things would inevitably continue to happen. Life is going to throw its curve balls, and I need to learn to stand up and take a swing at it.

In this journey, I need to remind myself to prioritize what I want. Setting goals is just the beginning; the journey is prioritizing your tasks so you can get s**t done.


❌ - Not done ✔️ - Done

Date Commitment Status
6-29-24 Code
6-30-24 Code

What went well

  • Code: Blah!
  • Write: Blaaah
  • Other: Few more items from the honey-do list got knocked out. Got to hangout with out neighbours and got to know them a little.

What did not go well

  • It was a lazy day. So prerty much nothing went well except for hanging out with my neighbours.

Thoughts for tomorrow

  • Actions speak louder than words!